Peace Day 3

I love CS Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia.  As God was developing the idea of gathering together thoughts about the fruit of the Spirit, the kids and I were making our way through his second book in the series, Prince Caspian.  In Prince Caspian, we find the four siblings – Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy – back in Narnia after thousands of Narnian years elapsed.  The land is familiar, yet different.  They learn that a war is begun which will either restore the rightful heir to the throne or ensconce the wicked usurping uncle.  Time is of the essence, but with no smart phones – not even a map – the children can only make educated guesses at how to arrive at their desired destination.  They reach a gorge and must decide which way to go.  Lucy sees Aslan – the great, majestic lion, son of the Emperor over the Sea – instructing them to go the exact opposite direction they have decided upon.  Nobody else sees him, so – with the exception of Edmund –  they vote and go a different way.

Of course, after hiking through the woods and up a mountain, they are nearly killed by enemy arrows as they reach the only point to cross a great river.  As they hike back the way them came as quickly as they can, they all realize that Lucy’s desired course of direction was better than the way they took.

Finally, after hiking as far as they can, the settle in to camp for the night.  Lucy awakens, feeling someone call her name.  She follows the voice into the wood and meets Aslan who directs her to wake the others and tell them to get going, right away.  She does so and finally, after following Him – without seeing him – for some time, the others finally see Aslan:

 [N]ow Aslan had stopped and turned and stood facing them, looking so majestic that they felt as glad as anyone can who feels afraid, an das afraid as anyone can who feels glad.  The boys strode forward: Lucy made way for them: Susan and the Dwarf shrank back.

 Oh, Aslan,” said King Peter, dropping on one knee and raising the Lion’s heavy paw to his face, “I’m so glad.  And I’m so sorry.  I’ve been leading them wrong ever since we started and especially yesterday morning.”

 “My dear son,” said Aslan.

 Then he turned to Edmond. “Well done,” were his words.

 Then, after an awful pause, the deep voice said, “Susan.”  Susan made no answer but the others thought she was crying.  “You have listened to fears, child,” said Aslan.  “Come, let me breathe on you.  Forget them.  Are you brave again?”  Prince Caspian, p. 153-154, Harper Collins 1979.

The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will sent in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.  Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.  (John 14: 26-27). 

1. Who is speaking in the John passage?  Who did the Father send?  What will this Person teach?

2. What did Jesus promise he left with the disciples?  How does Jesus give?  What are some examples of ways the world gives?

3. Going back now, to the Narnia passage – when have you listened to fears?  Were you able to find your way to Jesus’ voice? 


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